blog/bläɡ/noun – a regularly updated web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.

Baby Fine art portrait in Alexandria
“You’re my favorite reason to lose sleep.” #momlife #bhfyp #babies #babyclothes #mynameismama

Baby Fine art portrait in Fairfax
“Your first breath took ours away.” #life #toddlersogif #beautiful #realmomlife #momlifebelike

Baby Fine art portraits in Sterling
“Once in mommy’s tummy, for now in mommy’s lap, but forever in mommy’s heart… That’s how precious my baby you are” #handmade #children #babyhours #cutebabies #parenting

Baby Pictures in Arlington
“So there’s this boy. He kinda stole my heart. He calls me Mom.” #parenthood #momlife #bhfyp #babies #babyclothes

Baby Photo in Vienna
“All of God’s grace in one tiny face.” #mynameismama #life #toddlersogif #beautiful #realmomlife

Baby Photo in Germantown
“I loved you from the very start. You stole my breath, embraced my heart. Our life together has just begun. You’re part of me, my little one.” #newborn #mommylife #toddlers #motherhoodunplugged #momhumor

Baby Photos in Vienna
“You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person I have ever known. And even that is understatement.” #babyswag #motherhood #style #watchthemgrow #photography

Baby Fine art portraits in Fairfax
“In the eyes of a baby…there is joy, there is laughter… there is hope, there is trust, a chance to shape the future.” #littlefierceones #beautifulbaby #happybaby #runwildmychild #funnybaby

Baby Photographer in Gainesville
“From the moment you were placed in our arms, you snuggled your way into our hearts.” #photo #mytinymoments #momblog #littleandbrave #kids

Baby Fine art photographer in Silver Spring
“Life comes a full circle when you see for yourself the new life you made.” #childhoodunplugged #babyphotography #mother #like #newborn