
blog/bläɡ/noun – a regularly updated web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.

Baby Photo in Lorton

Baby Photo in Lorton

“Babies are the hands by which we take hold of heaven.” #photography #momunity #followforfollowback #ourcandidlife #igbabies

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Baby Portrait in Fairfax

Baby Portrait in Fairfax

“There’s really nothing quite so sweet as a newborn’s feet!” #motherhoodco #lifedailymoms #babyface #motherhoodsimplified #letthembelittle

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Baby Fine art photography in Arlington

Baby Fine art photography in Arlington

“Babies are mini-tyrants. They decide when you eat, sleep, and whether you go to work today or stay captive at home.” #beautifulbaby #happybaby #runwildmychild #funnybaby #likeforlikes

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Baby Photos in Clarksburg

Baby Photos in Clarksburg

“You may get all grown-up one day but in the heart of your Mama, you will always be the precious little baby I once held in my arms.” #bebe #love #acupofmotherhood #babymodel #babiesofig

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Baby Fine art photo in Arlington

Baby Fine art photo in Arlington

“Babies are born with no baggage. They begin their lives without a care in the world. And this innocence and sense of wonder is what makes them amazing.” #kid #toddler #babymoments #fashion #momlifestyle

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Baby Picture in Aspen Hill

Baby Picture in Aspen Hill

“On the day you were born the angels clapped their hands and the moon danced with the stars.” #babypower #instagram #motherhoodrising #honestmommin #instagrambaby

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Baby Photos in Glenarden

Baby Photos in Glenarden

“Precious one, so small, so sweet. Dancing in on angel’s feet. Straight from heaven’s brightest star. What a miracle you truly are.” #cute #babyfever #photooftheday #babyme #photo

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